Parts & Services
Our people, experience, high levels of customer service and training programmes will take good care of your Normet equipment worldwide. This philosophy, combined with an extensive global service network will maximise performance and safety in all areas of your tunnelling or mining environment.

Normet Safety
Normet is an innovative and fast growing technology company offering continuous improvement for mining processes and underground tunnelling. Safety and reducing risk is one of our most important values. Our goal is to sustain increase safety, productivity, and profitability. We offer complete technical solutions that create value through saving costs, and shortening process cycle times. Our solution is developed considering the welfare of people, the impact to the environment and is the foundation of the “Normet Way of Working”. At Normet, safety is our priority and ensures no one passes a risk without corrective actions.
Normet Service Offering
Normet is committed to service its customers all over the world. We provide service for a single machine to your entire fleet. Normet service offering consists of many different products from delivery of parts and training to fleet performance agreements.