TamCem EnviroGuard
TamCem EnviroGuard has been developed to reduce soluble Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)) to the non-toxic Trivalent Chromium (Cr(III)) during the batching process. TamCem EnviroGuard is a non-chloride, liquid admixture complying with the requirements of AS1478.1-2000 Type SN admixture. TamCem EnviroGuard is compatible with all cements and standard admixtures meeting recognized international standards.
Prevent and reduce environmental impacts of soluble hexavalent chromium.
Key specification
- Hexavalent Chrome reducing admixture for cementitious binders concrete
- Reduces the impact of health hazard and environmental impacts from water soluble Cr(VI)
Key benefits
- Minimise health hazards
- Hexavalent Cr 6+ or Cr VI is a toxic form of the element chromium. Long term
exposure to this form can result in nose, throat, lung, and respiratory tract
irritations if inhaled at high levels and is listed as a human carcinogenIf exposed in high concentrations to skin and eyes, causes irritation and can
cause damage.
- Prevent and reduce environmental impacts of soluble hexavalent chromium
- Slightly enhanced compressive strengths at 7 & 28 days
- No adverse impact on fresh and hardened concrete properties
- Prevention of skin irritation and severe skin diseases from exposure to Cr (VI)
Typical applications
- Plant mixed concrete, grout and mortar
- Site mixed concrete, grout and mortar