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TamPur RBG


TamPur RBG A is an injectable, two-component solvent-free, polyurea-silicate resin. TamPur RBG A has been formulated for securing and sealing rock bolts in mining and tunnelling applications. It is designed to instantly thicken after injection retaining a thixotropic nature within the rock bolt hole to avoid reflux and allow sufficient time for installing solid rock bolts. It is especially effective in vertical bolting applications and can also be injected through SDA’s (Self-Drilling Anchors). Low in peak exotherm reaction and heat development compared to polyurethane.

There are three versions of TamPur RBG available, Slow, Standard and Fast set, in order to meet the requirement for different application conditions and processes.

Early safety due to fast strength development

Key specification

  • Injection Resin – Thixotropic Polyurea-Silicate Resin


Increased safety

  • Ensures early safety for operator, especially when working in fractured ground

Improve productivity

  • With early re-entry time due to fast strength development

Applicable to fractured ground

  • Can be used where capsules & cement fails or struggle

Applicable even with waterflow issues

  • Can be used even if water is present

Key benefits

  • Easy installation and fixation of rock bolts
  • Full encapsulation of rock bolts even in broken, fractured ground, also enabling excellent corrosion protection
  • Non-foaming even in contact with water and will not absorb water
  • Thixotropic properties provides easy, secure and precise injection
  • Good adhesion to wet and damp substrates
  • Can penetrate small rock fractures and voids
  • Fast reaction even underwater
  • Fire resistant
  • Low odour
  • Environmentally friendly
  • User friendly – may be injected either manually or automatically

Typical applications

  • Rock bolting applications
  • Cable bolt applications
  • Sealing of large rock fissures
  • Consolidation of broken ground


TamPur RBG

TamPur RBG E TDS - Europe Version TamPur RBG T TDS - Asia Version TamPur RBG A TDS - Australia Version TamPur RBG - Rock Bolt Grout Flyer Silicate Modified Polyurea Injection Resin Brochure

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